Sunday, 9 July 2017

2nd British Company WIP

These figures are ready to base and varnish but just when I finished the Red jackets a parcel arrived the next morning. This parcel contained some figures from Casting Room Miniatures. A couple of packets of British Characters, some Pioneers and a unit worth of Swazi. One of the packets of British has some marching Command figures which would fit in nicely with these painted figures. I was never happy to use the two standing figures that I have painted for this, so I will wait to finish these two additions before basing this batch. The two left over figures I can use somewhere else.

If you normally find my posts from the links that I post on TMP I'd like to apologise. For reasons of harmony there is a Temporary Ban on non-supporting members posting there for two weeks. I might start posting photos on another Forum again but sometimes feel a bit embarrassed to start a thread of my photos and then find that I am really slow in updating, and that it drops from view.