Over the Christmas break I decided that I could not face painting Zulus which had been my plan. I felt a bit bored painting 28mm Humans and wanted to do something different.
In the back of my mind I had wanted to do an AK47 type project in 15mm but I had sold all my painted and unpainted Soviets and decided that 20mm would work just as well. I have a few building that would work in both 15 or 20mm for Airfield buildings or factories, and some tanks that are excess for my WW2 collection. So did a repaint on a few of them plus a few conversions of AA vehicles for a UN unit. The game of Bolt Action that I had played in 20mm convinced me of the usefulness of those rules for this project.
I thought that this would be a cheap project but have spent heaps on Soviet Vehicles and Aircraft plus some more buildings. I also bought a large amount of figures from Elheim.
The premise is that the Congo Conflict has escalated with other Nations claiming land and or sending ex WW2 Tanks and equipment in support of either side. First completed Unit is a Belgium Tank Unit with SP Artillery support.
Almost complete are some Indian UN AA vehicles. I need to find some Letroset or similar UN letters to finish them off. I am planing on remounting the Quad mount and replacing the gun with a Searchlight as I think it looks too ungainly mounted like that.