Well I have actually managed to finish something. I had only been able to spend an hour on painting on Sunday afternoons for a couple of weeks, and then I seemed to regain my energy and have managed to paint four nights a week for the last couple of weeks. I have also managed to find the enthusiasm to buy some Vitrix Celt Chariots and Gaul Cavalry and also all the DBMM books. I still need to buy some MDF bases. I have also managed to sit in on another two DBMM games taking a command.
The French.
I bought these figures from Ebay and thought from the photos that there was a chance that I could use them as they were. Unfortunately the paint jobs turned out to be a bit rough and some of the bases fell off so I had no choice but to strip them and start again. This turned out to be a good thing as they are now almost indistinguishable from my other figures. You might remember that I was worried about the Great Figures being a bit small? This batch of figures looked like they were sculpted by three different people and the sizes are a bit mixed. I thought that I might as well paint up some Great War HMG gunners at the same time. These turned out to be a great mix and once added to the bases look like they are interacting with the original figures. The left over figure will donate his head to a Flag Bearer conversion that I am planning.
When I took the photos the sun was streaming onto my paint desk so they look a bit washed out. I have tried to change the colour on a couple of the photos so they are not really the light Blue they appear. I will have to put these aside for now as I have other things that are more urgent to paint (Celts).