For now, he says.
I've had the Wargames Foundry figures painted for well over a decade now as they were used for a Demo Game in about 2004, give or take a year. I bought some other items from Warlord Games whenever I've been ordering something else. The figures from Warlord are a little taller than the older figures but they seem to work together ok.
This Model A van I had originally painted up to use as a GAZ Radio Van for my Russian forces. As I had only painted two Infantry Sections and two Scout sections before I abandoned that project, I will have to go back and finish it sometime. During the Lockdown I was watching the Dads Army marathon on TV and remembered this Van. A quick Google for the signs and a repaint of the windows and it was done.
Before the Lockdown I had bought and opened some Araldite and Super Glue and thought I had better use them before they dried out, so dived into the Lead Pile to find some things that needed assembling. These Dads Army items were the result of that search along with the PAK40 I will be painting soon, (Also the 76m AT Guns just finished)
This Smith Gun was a tricky little item to assemble. I also added a plastic Brit crewman fitted with a lead head and helmet that was left over from the kit.
This Armadillo turned out nicely. It is based as most of my Early Vehicles are as I started with some Tony Ashcroft 1/56th 38T's which have an integral base. The figures are quite a tight fit and needed some slimming down.
A Bofors 40mm AA Gun. I added an extra crewman and a dice to the base for casualty removal. The plastic figure has a metal Helmet and took some slimming down to get him close to the others. I still think he looks odd.