Thursday, 20 January 2022

Victrix Celtic Cavalry

I am really pleased with these Cavalry and received some favourable comments when I posted them on Twitter and Facebook a few days ago.  The one reservation I have with them is the size of the Horses. From some reading I thought that they should be pony sized like my Chariots being from the British Isles. I had some issues trying to get them to fit as they are on DBMM sized bases and wanted them to connect base to base. It was only when I took the photos that I noticed that the plain metal Helmeted riders are all in a line on the same side, and not spread around like I had planned to do.

I have some Foundry ones up next on the bench.

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Luftwaffe Ground Troops.

These figures were bought in a large order from Ebay which a mate and I shared years ago. On receiving my share I found that I didn't like these figures at all. The issue I had with them were that they had equipment in odd places and weird looking weapons. The sculpting of the heads and other proportions were also a bit odd.

With no use for them I made them into Zombies by drilling holes and doing other damage to them. I think they were only used in a game once as dismounted tank crews. So having some spare Bolt Action heads left over from my Bunker Crews (still on my workbench) I decided to strip, repair them and do some head swaps. One of them got an MG34. The Officer is from another bulk buy and is a WestWind figure. I did one base coat of Field Grey and still didn't like them. I then thought of painting them as Luftwaffe troops. I already have an 88, a 20mm Cannon and a quad with not enough troops to man them so these would be handy. They can also be used as 2nd class troops.