Monday, 23 November 2020

Great War Miniatures French 75mm Field Gun

 The latest piece to come off the painting desk. I'm quite pleased with this but will make a few observations. The first being that I was not sure of the exact shade that the gun should be, so just went with some coloured plates that I found on the net. I feel that the shade should be lighter and more grey. Some plates showed the crew with double striped trousers and others showed single. I opted for single as it was easier to do. The gun is very nice as are the figures. The only issue is that the figures mounted on the gun base are very small with bobble heads. The other two on single bases are a decent size. Once placed on the table top I doubt that this is very noticeable but it bothered me when painting them.


  1. Nicely done.
    When we went to Verdun back in 2015 the ones there were a little lighter.
    Some photos here:
    A 75 in the 7th picture down - although fully cognisant that paint jobs 100yrs later on display pieces are not a good guide.
    Turrets at Froideterre on this post are closer to your gun colour:

  2. Going by Paul's links the colour of the gun is a bit bright. So I'd change it if I were to do it again.

  3. I wouldn’t get too hung up on the exact shade of the gun. I very much like your take

    1. Thanks, yes I'm not too worried about it now but I'd hate anyone to copy it thinking I know what I'm doing. Lol


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